Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A new venue.

Actually two, one brick & mortar: the Main Street Gallery in Cambridge Md. This is a co-op, fairly new and still figuring things out. The space is beautiful, the town transitional, and the outcome, well the town is going through a growth stage.

The second is a facebook page dedicated just to my paintings and drawings. This is a place you can come see what I am doing., so please, come check it out: Linda M Epstein, Paintings & Drawings

Meanwhile here's a second go at a bethany wave, standing on the beach where the skies and surf and sounds not only meet but tower above you is just so good.

I'll work it some more soon, because for sure, seeing the pic, I see places that need attention!

Thursday, January 17, 2013


Painting Arlo was such fun that I set up Cooper to do another. Same dark background, sam slanty light, sam palette. Burnt umber, a rublev's  red earth, yellow ochre, naples, ultramarine blue and all my whites, leads and titanium.

Friday, January 11, 2013


This is not very big, 8 x 10", but I went to Rembrandt to look at the darks to light and to play with a whites and small palette. So this was was fun to do and I enjoyed seeing how the different whites worked. The rublev lead 2 was beautifully ropey.